Tuesday, May 18, 2010

TODs: Economical and Social, Can They Be Environmentally Sensitive Too?

A new proposal which won first prize in the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facility International Design Ideas Competition has demonstrated that the environmental sustainability of a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is just as important and critical as social and economic factors in successfully implementing community hubs for transport and activity.

While embracing the Triple Bottom Line (social, economical & environmental) is essential in the pursuit to provide successful, community-based urban design solutions centred around the concept of TODs, ensuring the design of these hubs is sustainable and environmentally sensitive is crucial, yet sometimes overlooked.

From Inhabitat:
“Under the Same Roof” is an exciting new design for the Hong Kong Boundary Crossings Facility that will be located on an artificial island in the Pearl River Delta in Hong Kong. The structure is a multi-story facility connecting bus terminals and roads with a sprawling roof covered in faceted panels that are semi-transparent to let natural daylight in, while an indoor winter garden serves as a meeting place and a spot to rest for weary travelers.

The indoor garden acts to replenish the air with fresh oxygen improving the air quality of the very busy transportation hub. Algae tubes located mounted on the roof utilize sunlight to create even more oxygen. Meanwhile natural ventilation is facilitated through the stack effect and operable panels to release air and exhaust.
Read more at here.

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